Visual Assets Click on image to view/download larger asset. Requests for other configurations may be made at Steeltown 40th Anniversary (horizontal banner) Steeltown 40th Anniversary (vertical banner) Steeltown 40th Anniversary Tour v1 Steeltown 40th Anniversary Tour v2 BC Logo 1200 Shadow black over white PNG BC Logo 1200 Shadow white over black PNG BC logo 1200 black PNG BC logo 1200 white PNG BC logo black basic 1200 PNG BC logo white basic 1200 PNG BC Logo 1200 basic black on white JPG BC logo black basic 1200 JPG BC Logo 1200 black on white JPG BC logo 1200 white on black JPG BC Group w/ logo BC Group w/ logo b&w BC Group w/ logo alt BC Group w/ logo alt b&w BC Group w/o logo alt BC Group w/o logo alt b&w BC Group w/o logo BC Group w/o logo b&w Website QR code The Crossing 40th Anniversary Tour (tall – no tab) The Crossing 40th Anniversary Tour (square) The Crossing 40th Anniversary Tour (square – w space) The Crossing 40th Anniversary Tour (very tall) The Crossing 40th Anniversary Tour (tall – w tab) The Crossing 40th Anniversary Tour (wide – no tab) The Crossing 40th Anniversary Tour (wide – w tab) or download a .zip with all the assets.